In one of the cases that I encountered, there was a girl who had been taking Western medicine for several years due to hypothyroidism. Whenever she stopped taking the medicine, her symptoms would recur. Her mother found my treatment through a friend's recommendation, and the girl began receiving traditional Chinese medicine treatment (herbal medicine and acupuncture). During the process of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, I incorporated energy guidance and meditation guidance into clinical treatment, guiding the girl to release her emotions. Before starting the energy and meditation guidance, she mentioned her childhood memory, saying "her mother was very strange. Whenever she said anything, her mother wouldn't believe her. For example, when the teacher asked parents to buy something, her mother wouldn't believe her and would call the teacher to confirm. She has been in a state of sadness and distrust since childhood, unable to express her inner thoughts correctly, so she has always expressed her dissatisfaction through crying and screaming."
After understanding the situation, I added emotional guidance and release during the meditation process, helping the girl to release all the sadness and pent-up emotions and resentment that were stuck in her throat. At the same time, I also added positive guidance in energy healing, helping the girl learn to express her true thoughts bravely and freely without being influenced by others.
During the initial release process, the girl was crying the whole time. When I touched her throat, she also sensed and resonated with a very strong feeling of sadness, and I couldn't help but cry. After this treatment ended, I left the room, and she continued to cry for more than 30 minutes. This type of treatment continued several times, interspersed with traditional acupuncture and herbal treatments, for about 3-4 months. The symptoms of hypothyroidism disappeared, and the patient said that after crying during the treatment, her weight immediately dropped by about 1.3kg. I asked the girl to retest her blood and do a thyroid function test, and the results showed that her TSH, T3, and T4 levels had completely returned to normal. Her illness was completely cured, and she did not have a relapse in the following years.
So today, I want to share and discuss her personal views on the intricate connections and relationships between the human body, consciousness, thoughts, and energy from the perspective of a doctor with years of clinical experience in traditional Chinese medicine and energy healing, combined with practical cases encountered in clinical treatment. Let us explore and share the potential wisdom and mysteries of our own bodies from a multidimensional perspective.
First, let's discuss the relationship between the body and consciousness. The body and consciousness are never separate, and humans exist as a combination of the soul (personal consciousness) and the physical body. Most people think that our consciousness is within our own bodies and is dominated and controlled by the body, but this is not the case.
Through personal practice and experience, I realized that the body is actually beneath one's consciousness, and that it is a projection and reflection of one's consciousness. This viewpoint is also supported by traditional Chinese medicine theory, for example, when a person's emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, thought) are in an imbalanced state (excessive joy, excessive sadness, excessive anger, etc.), these excessively imbalanced emotions can in turn affect the basic organ functions and the circulation of Qi and blood in the body, causing abnormal flow speed and direction of Qi and blood, as well as dysfunction of the body's basic organs.
What is the underlying mechanism behind these phenomena in the human body?
Because everything from the vastness of the universe to the smallest parts of the human body, even individual organs such as the ears and palms, are a small holographic universe. This is why in traditional Chinese medicine, there is a diagnostic method that specifically observes the ears or palms to obtain information about a person's overall health and condition. This diagnostic method is in line with the concept of the holographic universe, which amplifies and expands local information of the human body to the entire body, thus establishing a macroscopic perspective to observe various changes and reactions in the human body.
Therefore, it is not difficult for us to understand the connection between a person's thoughts, emotions, and their body, just like the classic universal spiritual law "as above, so below, as within, so without". Our body is also following this universal law in its operation.
Every idea, emotion, thought, and conscious thinking of ours resonates with the body, affecting every cell, organ, and blood in the body.
Our body is like a vessel that carries our thoughts and ideas. When our emotions and inner state of mind are in a state of love and harmony, every cell in our body resonates with our inner state of mind, and they grow in a positive and healthy environment. Conversely, when a person's mental state of consciousness is in a negative emotional state such as anxiety, fear, and sadness for a long time, the energy in the person's body will become imbalanced, causing illness and poor physical conditions.
We can imagine each person's personal consciousness (thoughts, emotions, ideas, thoughts, etc.) as a signal transmitter. As we all know, signal transmission is carried out by invisible bands of waves (magnetic waves), which can reach very distant places through signals. This physical phenomenon happens to be consistent with the relationship between the human body and consciousness.
A person's personal consciousness is like a signal transmitter, and the person's body is like the object/cargo that the transmitter is preparing to send (such as a phone, TV, radio, etc.), and the strength of the signal is determined by the strength of a person's thoughts. Following this line of thought, from the body to the organs, cells, neutrons, and electrons within the cells, all are receivers of the signal. Therefore, when a person maintains positive thoughts and ideas, all the cells in their body will receive positive and energetic waves and energy transmitted by their consciousness. Over time, the cells in the body will become healthier and filled with positive energy, and how could such a person get seriously ill?
So as I became increasingly aware of the inseparable relationship between individual consciousness and the human body, I began to focus more and more on caring for the patient's personal inner, mental consciousness, and spiritual health status (representing the health level of the individual energy level) in treatment, because for holistic treatment, this is a very important and indispensable part.
Therefore, in my energy healing, it is not only about helping each patient to relieve their physical pain, but also focusing on helping every person to see their inner spiritual state from the perspective of energy and soul. Lucy helps patients to clear the unnecessary negative emotional energy that has been accumulated and hidden in their bodies, thus releasing more space for positive energy and more love to enter their inner spiritual and energy level.
After years of clinical observation and treatment practice, combined with my unique talent and gift, I put into treatment the unique healing talent accumulated from generations of soul experience, combining traditional Chinese medicine treatment, shamanic heart energy healing, and unique healing power, creating my own unique energy healing.
Currently, most of the patients do not understand the root cause of their illness when they come for treatment. Even more, these patients are completely unaware of their current physical and mental state. For someone who lacks even the most basic self-awareness of their physical, mental, and spiritual state, how can they possibly choose the most suitable treatment method when they are sick? Many patients have taken the wrong step from the first step of treatment, choosing methods that contradict their own needs, leading to a vicious cycle. Not only did they fail to cure their bodies, but they also believed many threatening words, causing their mental state to fall into confusion and the darkness of the soul.
Moreover, based on many years of clinical observation, traditional treatment methods (especially Western medicine) that do not involve changing personal character and thinking have a high probability of disease recurrence. Under that medical system, the understanding of the human body is particularly limited and three-dimensional, and has not yet reached the level of energy and consciousness in the human body. Such medicine cannot truly eradicate diseases, only suppress and alleviate symptoms (e.g. temporary pain relief, removal of foreign objects, anti-inflammatory, etc.), and cannot achieve eradication because those doctors themselves do not understand why a person gets sick, or what the real cause of the disease is. They can only look for treatment methods that can help patients in their limited modern medical knowledge.
Actually, it's not that the doctors in these hospitals don't want to help patients, but rather that the development of the modern medical education system has only reached this level, which is closely related to the overall consciousness level of all human beings. I believe that when the whole society moves towards higher dimensions in the future, the true spiritual medical system will gradually become popular and replace the human understanding of diseases and the human body in modern medicine, providing people with the real key to unlocking diseases.
We currently live in a fast-paced and restless society, and many people do not have the time or energy to focus on the health of their inner selves. Therefore, I have written many popular science articles about body, mind, and soul healing, hoping that everyone can understand the true cause of illness in life through these articles, realize the importance of the unity of physical, mental, and spiritual health, and look at our body and its intelligent operating mechanism from a higher dimension of consciousness and perspective.
However, as mentioned earlier, because the human body is under the control of human consciousness, even if you don't seek any healing practitioners, as long as a person has enough insight and awareness to perceive and see the inner thoughts and changes, and to dig out the hidden emotional buildup within, it is possible to discover and eliminate these "hidden dangers" through one's own observation and awareness. What the therapist does is to help you discover and become aware of these inner changes as soon as possible, and assist you in eliminating these dense negative energies as soon as possible, so that you can embrace a more beautiful and loving positive energy.
If you understand that healing begins with awareness of the issues in your life, bringing the unfinished lessons from past lives into this life, experiencing and completing the themes you need to learn through everything that happens and your relationships, it will bring consciousness, growth, and transformation. Then you will understand clearly that you have created your current life.
Please take responsibility for yourself and make changes. Never try to change others, but change yourself by breaking through and transforming your existing ideas, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs into a higher level of consciousness. Only when individuals realize this can the appearance of healers be of the greatest benefit in helping patients to face and explore what needs to be transformed and transformed in their own bodies, beliefs, and emotions.
I wish everyone seeking treatment never forgets that no healer or doctor can truly "cure" you, only you can "cure" yourself. Please never underestimate your own potential for healing.
"A successful treatment relies only 40% on the therapist's power, while 60% depends on one's own efforts. Make good use of the power brought by the therapist to continuously transform your consciousness and mindset, thus completing a true self-healing process."
This is the biggest secret that I, as a doctor and energy healer, have summarized from years of clinical case accumulation.